Réseaux de recherche

Centre de Sciences Religieuses

The Center for Religious Studies is a private institute for interdisciplinary research in the field of religion. The Center is funded by the provincial government (Provincia Autonoma di Trento).

The Center for Religious Studies is a private institute for interdisciplinary research in the field of religion. The Center is funded by the provincial government (Provincia Autonoma di Trento).

Activities at the Center are under the responsibility of:

1 Director
6 Researchers
3 Associate Researchers
1 Visiting Researcher
1 PhD


Our mission is to critically understand and engage with innovation in religion and through religion.

The Center has as its mission the advancement of critical understanding of the multi-faceted relationship between religion and innovation in contemporary society. We engage with innovation in religion, covering texts, traditions, doctrine and institutions, as well as with innovation through religion in the areas of science, technology, business, politics and the law. The Center is also committed to experimenting in innovation in religion and through religion.

The Center is non-denominational and conducts multi-disciplinary research on the phenomenon of religion across the breadth of its articulations.

ISR’s researchers cover expertise in the fields of

  • Philosophy
  • Theology
  • History
  • Ethics
  • Law

Within the Bruno Kessler Foundation we work together with historians at the Italian-German Historical Institute (ISIG) and with the Center for Information and Communication Technology (ICT), in developing joint research and innovation projects.

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Position Paper 2019/03